Hello all! Do you have a project that you wish to be able to show, but don’t know where to show it? If that is the case then, IEEE Ryerson Student Branch has the perfect opportunity for you! The IEEE Ryerson Student Branch are excited to announce that we will be hosting a Project Showcase event on February 26th, 2019 from 6:00 pm-9:00 pm. We are going to have industry companies and labs getting involved in this event. We hope to pave the way for your future and current projects!
This event is organized to showcase the research and personal projects initiated by Faculties, Graduate students and Undergraduate students at Ryerson University in Engineering. This will give undergraduate students an idea about the kind of research going inside the faculties and what their fellow students are working on. It also provides an opportunity for Graduate students and Undergraduate students to showcase their work to our industry partners and others.
Faculties, Graduates and undergrads are more than welcome to sign up to present their project at this showcase. We would love to have all the projects for this showcase, however, given the time and condition we would filter the project and choose the best fit for industry, and investors.
If you wish to sign up, fill out this forum as soon as possible! The deadline will be extended to February 9th!