2016-2017 Team

IEEE TMU Team 2016-2017

Key Highlights:

The 2016-2017 IEEE Ryerson team was led by Dewan I. Ahmed. Hosting multiple key events, the team introduced the first BioHack as well as the first IBM IoT Talk inviting engineers from the industry. The annual flagship event Industry Night catered to a full house inviting over a dozen professional engineers to talk with students. The team’s dedication and commitment earned IEEE Ryerson the RESS Award for Most Active Student Group!

Chair – Dewan I Ahmed
VP Operations – Sadeed Bari
VP Academic – Suha Rabbani
VP Finance – Jaskaran Karir
VP Internal – Suruchi Arora
VP External – Nailah Azeez
VP Communications – Dhyey Patel
Webmasters – Rubaiyat Ashna, Kent Tsuenchy
Junior Biomedical Rep – Bipin Aasi, Mehali Mistry
Senior Biomedical Rep – Gordon Gray
Junior Electrical Rep – Wadi Naoum
Senior Electrical Rep – Arunan Bavananthan
Junior Computer Rep – Vidhi Patel, Kirill Vasilevski
Senior Computer Rep –  Luzalen Marcos
Secretary – Tithi Tasnuva
Volunteer Coordinators – Ibukun Oluwayomi, Daniel Thoo