2018-2019 Team

IEEE TMU Team 2018-2019

Key Highlights:

The 2017-2018 IEEE Ryerson exec team was co-chaired by Sadeed Bari and Dhyey Patel. The team successfully hosted 9 Tech-talks, 6 social events, 4 competitions, a weekend long conference and an industry tour. IEEE Ryerson was awarded the Corporate Relations Award by RESS on the 2019 Night of Recognition for their strive to help the engineering students!

Co-Chairs – Sadeed Bari, Dhyey Patel
Vice Chair – Suha Rabbani
VP Academic – Yanani Saciharan
VP Finance – Asrar Kaiser
VP Internal – Omair Sandhu
VP External – Anza Syed
VP Technical Advancements – Areeba Hussaini
VP Communications – Nadim Hafez, Lior Hason
Webmaster – Rubaiyat Ashna, Rinay Shah
Senior Biomedical Rep – Prasanthy Loganaathan
Junior Biomedical Reps – Vijithan Mangaleswaran, Taha Abbasi-Hashemi
Senior Computer Rep – Danny Salman
Junior Computer Rep – Mehali Modi, Erum Hasan
Senior Electrical Rep – Krishant Subramaniam, Davor Vrbic
Junior Electrical Rep – Sarfaraaz Khan, Muhammad Rayyan Alam
Graduate Reps – Nabila Abraham, Omid Karimpour
Secretary – Xinyu Hadrian Hu
Mentor – Arunan Bavananthan