2019-2020 Events


Webinar Career Navigation

March 26th, 2020

This online webinar allowed attendees to learn how to find their ikaigi and enhance their portfolios to be more attractive to hiring companies. Led by IBM’s Developer Advocate and Blue Core Coach, students heard tips on how to prepare themselves for their career in the software industry and grow as valuable members of their teams. The webinar was streamed online at noon.

Attendance: 30 participants

ICUE/IBM Technical  Consulting Case Competition
April 3rd 2020

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, the ICUE/IBM Technical Consulting Case Competition on Autonomous Vehicles was shifted to an online platform.

The ICUE/IBM technical consulting case competition on autonomous vehicles was the first ever corporate sponsored case competition that allowed students and guests to share their knowledge on the current applications of technology in today’s market. This competition featured insightful presentations and socializing opportunities for participants and guests, and $600 in prize money.


Technical Mock Interview Part II
January 2020

This workshop aimed to provide attendees with hands-on experience to instigate success with technical internship applications. The mock interviews were conducted by current employees at major tech firms by working through frequently asked technical interview questions. Attendees had the opportunity to network with the interviewers to gain insight into their respective companies and recruiting process.


Attendance: 60 participants

Industry Night
February 3rd 2020

This conference focused on providing students with the opportunity to not only network with industry professionals, but also explore potential career paths to pursue. The event consisted of a short introduction followed by a networking opportunity over a light meal. The remainder of the event was seminar based, where companies were grouped into rooms based on their scope of work. Students tailored their experience by selecting seminars that appealed to their interest. These seminars were run in parallel and included a Question and Answer segment, about the skills students should acquire to be successful in their job, common mistakes made on the job, best practices, what the day-to-day tasks consist of, and more.

Expected attendance: 150 participants

AMD Physical Design 101 Workshop

February 2020

AMD’s Physical Design 101 Workshop, is designed for students to learn about systems on chip and how they are used in the industry today. Led by Tor Ekenberg (Manager at Silicon Design Engineering – Radeon Technologies Group), participants were provided a high-level description of physical design/layout using examples from some of AMD’s current products.

AMD’s University Relations Team also connected with students about co-op and new graduate positions available at AMD.

Attendance: 50 participants

March 2020

This conference was created to allow students to explore different paths after graduation and to network with successful professionals in various engineering fields. IEEE Ryerson brought back ICUE in March 2020 due to the demand from companies and students!

Expected attendance: 100 participants


June 15, 2019

This conference was initiated by way of our trusted relationship with Artintech Inc, and consisted of a panel and a company booth expo. This conference covered the current applications of AI across various industries and the AI applications which benefit businesses today. A number of companies, including TELUS , Deloitte, Microsoft,  Artintech Inc, and more, had a booth set up to provide attendees with more information on the latest AI tools and technologies in the market today.

Attendance: 90 (Students, Industry Professionals & Company Associates)

August 20, 2019

The second day of our ICUE Conference consisted of a hackathon which leveraged datasets from Kaggle. In this large data-thon students used ML techniques to develop projects using AI implemented in applications across industries from healthcare to commerce to humanitarian needs. 

IEEE Day Design Challenge
October 1, 2019

This event featured an introductory speech, 2-3 keynote speeches, and a design/programming challenge which was released 1 week prior to the event with prizes and cake cutting. This event was a collaboration with IEEE branches outside of Ryerson, paving the way for an expected audience of 100 people.

Collaborators: IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Centennial College, IEEE UofT

Attendance: 40 participants

Technical Mock Interviews
November 1, 2019

The purpose of this event was to give students the opportunity to prepare for technical interviews for software and hardware positions. Mock questions were prepared and representatives from the industry were invited to advise on the most effective way to answer technical questions. 

Attendance:  40 participants

Computer Vision Workshop
November 6, 2019

This workshop led by Ryerson Artificial Intelligence and IEEE Ryerson Student Branch provided attendees an opportunity to participate in a live demo of building autonomous vehicle technology. Participants used Python, Keras, and Tensorflow to build an object detection and classification for various autonomous vehicle applications. This event allowed students to differentiate themselves through IEEE Certification and a chance to learn breakthrough technology to keep up with the evolving technology sector.

Attendance: 90 (Students, Industry Professionals & Company Associates)

Resume Roast
November 20, 2019

This event gave students the opportunity to prepare for technical interviews for software and hardware positions. Mock questions were prepared and representatives from the industry were invited to advise on the most effective way to answer technical questions. 

Attendance:  20-30 participants