Data Science 101


Data Science 101

Are you interested in pursuing a career in Data Science? IEEE Ryerson Student Branch is bringing you Data Science 101 on May 19th. This event will give you an introduction to Data Science and an insight on the work that Data Scientists do. Our two panelists from OPG and HSBC will be going over demos on what they do on a day to day basis as a Data Scientist at their companies. Afterwards, there will be a networking event with the two panelists.

Speakers Include:

– Talha Hussain: Intern at OPG

– Yoseph Zuskin: Data Scientist at HSBC

This event will be held on May 19th from 6:30 P.M – 8:30 P.M. Register using the Eventbrite link here!

  • Date

    May 19th, 2021

  • Time

    6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

  • Location

    Online Webinar